Family houses and larger apartments are also becoming more popular and expensive as the market continues to grow. But differences are huge: while one m2 costs 268 thousand Forints in the capital, it is only 48 thousand in the countryside. In the past year the price of used flats risen by 10 on average, while overall tradeoff in the market grew by 30 percent, according to data published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Data suggests that this growth can be almost entirely attributed to... More
Deloitte has published it's study of 17 European real estate markets, among them the Hungarian market. It seems that despite Hungarian estates being cheaper than estates in other countries, Hungarian buyers have to work more to afford a home. According to the data the opportunity to purchase an apartment is below the European average in the country: on average people have to work for 7.8 years to earn sufficient amount of money for the purchase, while this number is only 7.1 years in the Czech Republic... More
In larger Hungarian cities the turnover of family houses increased by more than 10 percent while prices are slowly reaching the pre-crisis levels. In some parts of the country estates that are a few years old and are in a good condition are more expensive than newly built ones. Market of family houses in the Hungarian countryside is picking up speed, traffic and prices are both closing in on the levels they were on before the financial crisis hit. Compared to 2013 in some cities including Nyíregyháza,... More
Flats are getting more and more expensive, and based on the most recent data by FHB House Price Index the trend is accelerating. Nominal and real prices have both increased in the past quarter, with 8.2 and 9 percent respectively. Prices now are basically on the same level as they were in the first quarter of 2005 and at the end of 2010. Thanks to the increase in the past quarters average prices are currently only 10 percent less than they were when they were at their highest before the financial... More
According to experts it is much more profitable to rent your estate legally for a number of reasons – and not just because you won't have to worry about paying heavy penalties. Signing a contract provides security for both the landlord and the tenant. If you have a valid contract, a great number of disputes can be settled quickly. If you don't have a signed contract, settling these can take a very long time – but if you do, you can even avoid conflicts before they arise. Leasing contracts... More
Not a week can pass without some news about the rise of the property market. More and more apartments are bought, it got easier to sell, and prices also increased. The survey of IMF Global Housing Watch displayed the numbers of the property market using 5 graphs; which show some interesting data about the Hungarian market as well. House Price Index The current house price index is far from the pre-crisis level. Apartments today are 48.6 percent more expensive than 15 years ago. Price Index has been... More